Hi, I'm Zeynel 👋

Software Engineer

with a passion for tech

Great to see you here! Feel free to browse my page to get to know more about me.

About Me

Based in the Netherlands and growing up in the age of the technological boom, I've always been fascinated by the technologies surrounding me. Naturally, I would play around with computers and other hardware (such as gaming consoles) as I made my way to adulthood.

Currently, at 24 years young, I am a professional software engineer, proudly holding a degree from the Hague University of Applied Sciences earned in 2022. During my education I learned to use a variety of programming languages and technologies, but most importantly: I've learned to learn.

Thanks to this I was able to further my knowledge in the field by doing my own research and personal projects, aside from university tasks. My toolbox includes programming languages such as C#, Java, Python and more, as well as other tech stacks. Think of web technologies such as the ASP.NET framework, which goes hand in hand with the MVC design pattern and the obvious HTML/CSS and JavaScript languages.

Outside the realm of coding and technology, my interests are diverse. When I am not exploring the roads on my motorcycle or immersed in video games, I engage in reverse engineering and game creation using the Unity game engine, translating my passion for technology into tangible outputs.



Including some source code

Keukenhof Website

C#ASP.NETEntity Framework

Game Mod Menu


Dierendorp Game




Perfect Maze Generator


Pathfinding Visualizer


League of Legends int list


Procedural Dungeon Generator


Twitter Bot


FullHouse Content Management System


Portfolio Website

